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Sam Coates

Food and Nutrition



Supporting you to nourish your body and reach your unique health and wellbeing goals

Right diet

Right mind

Our philosophy

We’re not into fad diets, we’re about ​supporting you to nourish your body. ​Reach your unique health an​d wellbeing goals, through evidenc​e based approaches that are proven t​o work!​

why work with us?

Nutrition advice tailored to you

Many nutrition services use the same programme for every ​client...

At SC Nutrition we offer bespoke advice which is tailored to ​suit your preferences, lifestyle and goals.

Using evidence based advice, we use years of experience ​from working within the NHS, private hospitals and ​with individuals, to offer you advice and interventions that ​are proven to wo​rk!

Meal Prep Flat Lay
Top View of Smoothie Bowl Ingredients
Happy Family Hugging

Fa​mily Nutrition

From conception to birth, breastfeeding, weaning, fussy ​eating and adolescents - Ensuring your family are getting ​what they need can be a minefield!

At SC Nutrition, we are experienced in supporting expectant mothers ​struggling with sickness and fatigue, to providing a guiding hand when ​navigating the world of formula feeds vs breastmilk, baby led weaning vs ​traditional weaning, right through to helping with fussy eaters! We have ​also worked with families to optimise their nutrition to ensure the whole ​family is the happiest and healthiest versions of themselves.

At SC Nutrition we understand that life is busy and hectic, and we believe ​that food does not need to be another stress! We work with families to ​make food simple, yet nutritious - and most importantly, still delicious!

Our Services

Weight Management

How many times have you told yourself give up ​chocolate, cut down alcohol or limit yourself to only 1 ​biscuit?

How many times has this not worked?

At SC Nutrition we take a novel approach to weight management. We ​support you to chnage your mindset around food and make changes that ​last a life time - not a few weeks. We want to ensure you can still go out, ​enjoy an ice cream in the sunshine, or a pint with your mates, whilst still ​reaching your weight goals!

Man in Sportswear Exercising Outdoors

Sp​orts Nutrition

Have you got sporting goals?

Do you want to work harder, move faster, lift heavier?

A​t SC Nutrition we are experienced in supporting individuals to ensure t​hey are fuelling their body optimally; before, after and during sessions to e​nable them to meet their goals today, as well as tomorrow.

S​am has supported individuals from across the spectrum of abilities, from a​thletes representing their country at Commonwealth Games, trialling for t​he Olympics, to more novice athletes, looking to compete in their first t​riathlon and marathon!

W​hatever your current level, goal or experience, Sam has the knowledge a​nd expertise to provide practical advice which will ensure you support y​our body to reach your goals!

Runner's Knee Pain at the Running Track

Injury rehab

Have you got a stress fracture?

Keep suffering from soft tissue damage?

Feel like your constantly getting niggles?

Optimal nutrition is essential to ensure recovery from sessions. Therefore, ​inadequate nutrition before, after or during your training can increase your ​risk of injury. Similarly restriction during injury rehab can hinder recovery ​and increase your risk of repeat injuries further down the line.

At SC Nutrition we are experienced in working with coaches, ​physiotherapists and other professionals to provide a holistic approach to ​get you back to doing what you love as soon as possible.

Our Services

Iced Herbal Tea on Green Background

our track record

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‘Sam was amazing at identifying the root cause of what I wasn’t quite getting right. She helped me to manage my nutrition in ways that felt like the tiniest change, but made a huge difference so quickly.

With her help I have improved my weight, strength and physical health, but also my mental health too.’

Anmol (Age: 25)

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‘Sam is the reason I reached my fitness goals, she helped me optimise my nutrition to enhance my recovery and allow me to train at my best!

She listened to my preferences and we made a plan together that i’ll be able to sustain long term!’

Paul (Age 50)

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‘Before seeing Sam I was constantly sturggling with fatigue! She supported me to integrate easy to make meals into my daily routine. She helped me to understand the role my diet was playing on my mood and educated me on how to design my own balanced meals!

Since seeing Sam my family and I feel healthier and happier than ever!’

Nicky (Age 47)

Sam Coates


Nutritionist, Founder

About me

Sam Coates

Sam founded SC Nutrition in 2023 after her own journey ​optimising her health through diet and lifestyle, opened her eyes ​to the vast quantities of misinformation available, which at best ​doesn't work, or at worse is detrimental.

Since then, she has worked with both men and women to optimise ​their nutrition and help them to become the happiest and ​healthiest version of themselves.

Sam also works part time within the NHS where she specialises in ​Weight Management and Bariatric Surgery.

Sam offers a compassionate and practical approach to nutrition ​and is passionate about supporting everyone to break free from ​diet culture and restrictive mindsets, whilst supporting her clients ​to reach their health and wellbeing goals.

She lives by the mantra that no growth can happen in our comfort ​zone, and whilst we may not be able to change our environment, ​we can change how we respond to it!

Want to start ​making tangible ​steps towards ​meeting those health ​and wellbeing ​goals?

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Get in touch


Office Hours

Monday: 8am – 7pm

Tuesday: 8am – 7pm

Wednesday: Evenings

Thursday: Evenings

Friday: Evenings

Saturday: 8am - 7pm

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